Thursday, December 13, 2007
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Enhanced License Sale! Paydirt!
Digg your images.
Monday, December 3, 2007
They have an Alexa rank of 17,705. Not to bad, but their traffic ranking has been taking a dive for the last year or so. I would guess that this doesn't bode well for them in the long term. With the flood of sub standard photographs, who would want to download from this site when they can go out, and just shoot their own photo.
The website lets you use the pictures for free if it is non commercial use, but you have to pay if it goes on a commercial website.
I often see this website advertised on the G4 tech TV channel.
It appears they make all their money from google ads, and the one home harware ad on their site.
And here is a German site about Hip Hop street wear. My picture is of the guy on the right side.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Product Photography lighting.

Here is a great spa theme/aroma therapy image that has gathered over 1084 downloads in about a year. The artist is Lisa Gagne, and the image is from
Here is a great tutorial for do it yourself product photography.
Here is another one worth checking out.
One thing I have noticed, if you have white ceilings, think about pointing a light towards the ceiling to reflect light of the ceiling to light the top of the object being photographed.
Continuous Lighting:
Continuous lighting refers to lighting that is on all the time. I have some opus lighting units, so I can replace them with normal light bulbs that stay on continuously. Try this technique if you can. Of course, you will need to use a longer shutter speeds and a tripod because the light produced is far less than with flash units.
Still Life Themes:
If you are looking for themes that sell well, think about spa. Images of candles, flower peddles, herb bottles, etc, etc, are always great sellers. Keyword some of these in and you will see what I mean.
Friday, November 9, 2007
Also, it appears in Europe that Fotolia runs a sight called "" I guess they do this because the name is more catchy in Europe. One can only guess.
New York City search.
It also appears on of my photos was used in the book called "Brannigan's Building Construction for the Fire Service By Francis L. Brannigan, Glenn P. Corbett 4th edition". Not all that exciting, but my name was in the credits. Hey, I can't complain.
Another link to my work.
Thanks for the credit guys.
Thursday, October 18, 2007 VS

5 big players
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Where do I look for photography jobs?

Where do I look for photography jobs?
Well, this is something I am always doing, so I have some very valid advice. The first place to look would be They have a very informal environment in which to look for jobs. I find that most of the jobs on this website are of a very temporary nature. I have found one steady gig, a couple hours every week, but for the most part, I have just found models who want to work on a TFP (time for photo) basis. And this does not pay the bills, because as many photographers know, it is a long climb up before you can make enough to live off from stock photography sales.
Also look at, or simply They are set up a lot like craigslist, but they are only for Canada. The have a more sophisticated looking website with more features than craigslist, but many may prefer craigslist's low tech design. Anyway, Kijiji is well worth a look.
If you want to look for more career oriented photography jobs, take a look at, or These seem to be the big two with a wide range of jobs. Also, is a great place to look. It is run by the government of Canada, so they wouldn't steer you wrong.
I have just discovered You can sign up, as I just did and see what happens. As most places the specialize in event photography, they seem to be very wedding centric.
The future for Photographers looks bleak.
The future for Photographers looks bleak.
I can't speak for everybody, but I have been working hard for over a year and a half as a photographer, and still good work is next to impossible to find. Unless you know somebody important, or have great connections, finding work on the Internet is a damn hard game. And what work I have found, for me anyway, it is very dull and uninspired. The job that least appeals to me is working as a wedding photographer, and there are a couple of those gigs kicking around. When people ask me to do a wedding, I quote them a standard, fair rate, and they still think it is too expensive!! Why is everybody so cheap. How do they expect a photographer to make a living.
Anyway, I would far rather work as a product, event, travel or fashion photographer. The number of people with good equipment doesn't help either. The cost keeps coming down and down. I would guess that in the future, Photography may become a basic skill like hand writing, or operating a computer.
Well, my search for decent work continues........Maybe I should become a writer, lol.
Monday, October 1, 2007 Genius or Criminal? Make money with photos.
Bigstockphoto in Trouble?

I have noticed that has been having trouble. Their Alexa rank has been shrinking. When I logged into my account, I noticed that they will be paying the photographers more. I think they said a dollar. If they don't get more photographers with better photos, surely they will loose the battle against the other agencies. Can they do it? Wait and see.
Monday, September 24, 2007
More stats on Shutterstock
Dreamstime now has blogs!
Friday, September 7, 2007
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Stock Photography
The world of stock photography is exciting, yet a bit scary. I guess my biggest worry is that with the over saturation of good photos, will the price be driven down even more. Every week on my favourite site, around 40,000 new photos are added! The total is now well over two million! Surely this will drive the price down even more.
I have worked hard as a photographer in the past year, but for all my hard work, it has only added up to hundreds of dollars. I guess the root to greater earnings is to take only the type of shots that sell, and stay away from more "artistic" photography.
Here is my summary of the various stock photography companies I have worked with.
1. My favourite website due to the simple uploading structure, and the fact that it can store model releases. However, I have noticed lately that they have become a lot more strict in the photos they accept. I have earned about $2000 on this website.
2. Everything is wonderful about this site, but....I am not crazy about the time consuming keyword structure, and the fact that you can not store model releases. I have earned about $1000 on this site.
3. Wonderful site, but I don't like the fact that adding information to the photo is such a time consuming process. I don't understand why the description line must have five or more words for example. I have earned about $350 here.
4. Great and simple site with a fast key wording system. But lower traffic has resulted in much lower sales. I have only earned about $200 on this site.
5. An ok site, but for sure, the weakest of the bunch. A very poor, complicated and time consuming key wording and description process. Sometimes I wonder why I continue to send my pictures here, but I guess it is just barely worth it. My tiny earnings here have only come to about $150.
So there you have it. I will keep on plugging away because overall, I like the idea and the system of Royalty free microstock site. But if only all my hard work could earn me just a bit more $$$,......sigh.
Oh yea, I forgot to mention that this was all in the span of a year, give or take a couple months.