Where do I look for photography jobs?
Well, this is something I am always doing, so I have some very valid advice. The first place to look would be craiglist.org. They have a very informal environment in which to look for jobs. I find that most of the jobs on this website are of a very temporary nature. I have found one steady gig, a couple hours every week, but for the most part, I have just found models who want to work on a TFP (time for photo) basis. And this does not pay the bills, because as many photographers know, it is a long climb up before you can make enough to live off from stock photography sales.
Also look at http://toronto.kijiji.ca/, or simply kijiji.ca. They are set up a lot like craigslist, but they are only for Canada. The have a more sophisticated looking website with more features than craigslist, but many may prefer craigslist's low tech design. Anyway, Kijiji is well worth a look.
If you want to look for more career oriented photography jobs, take a look at http://www.workopolis.com, or http://www.monster.ca/. These seem to be the big two with a wide range of jobs. Also, http://jobbank.gc.ca is a great place to look. It is run by the government of Canada, so they wouldn't steer you wrong.
I have just discovered http://www.specialeventphotography.ca/. You can sign up, as I just did and see what happens. As most places the specialize in event photography, they seem to be very wedding centric.
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